District Information
Growing capable learners, inspiring lifelong leaders...
Title IX, Foster Care, Homeless, and Migrant
Point of Contact: Mrs. Maria Jessen
Phone: 573-729-5618
Email: mjessen@oakhillr1.k12.mo.us
Educating Missouri's Homeless Children
ELL, Title I
Title I Implementer: Mrs. Linda Richardson
Phone: 573-729-5618
Email: title1@oakhillr1.k12.mo.us
Title I.A annual fall meeting will be held on September 6, 2024 at 6:00pm in the school cafeteria.
It is the mission of Oak Hill R-1 School to provide a safe and secure setting for educational opportunities and experiences. For all of our students, our focus is to promote academic excellence and provide students with skills necessary for lifelong accomplishments.